Saturday, November 3, 2007

Pursue your Happyness!

There are some movies that are really inspiring, educative and entertaining. A notable addition to this genre could be "The Pursuit of Happyness".

The movie tells the stsory of Chris Gardner, a self-made millionaire, entrepreneur and philanthropist who through hardwork, perseverence and sheer will surmounted many an acute obstacles to become highly successful in life. The movie based on a best-seller book by the same name, authored by Chris Gardner with Quincy Troupe, is indeed a most inspiring and watchable one. Some scenes are indeed tear-jerkers, like the shot of him making his son sleep at a public lavatory.

Sterling performances by Will Smith as Chris Gardner and Jaden Christopher Syre Smith Gardner's son are the highlights of this movie. One thing I guarantee, the money you spent for this is money most wisely spent, its my word!

Also visit Chris Gardner site: and

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